Legal Notice


Company name: SAS MK FRANCE
Headquarters: 55 Rue Pierre Charron 75008 Paris / France
Amount of share capital: €100,000
Company form and capital: SAS
Registration (SIREN and RCS): 527 864 243 Paris
SIRET: 527 864 243 00045
Intra-community VAT number: FR35 527 864 243
Email address:
Director of publication: Mr Amouyal Patrick


Name: Shopify
Company name: Shopify INC
Head office: 126 York St. Otawa ON K1N 5T5 / Canada
Phone/email/website: 1 (613) 241-828 /


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Personal data : Processing of personal data is carried out through the use of the site To find out more about this processing, you can consult the privacy policy.

Cookies: A cookie is a small computer file, a tracer. It is used to analyze user behavior when visiting a website. Like most websites, our website uses cookies. All our cookies have a maximum lifespan of 13 months. To find out more about cookies, you can consult the cookies policy that we have put in place.

Maintenance : Myriam•K Paris® reserves the right to modify or update this information notice at any time and without notice.

Last update: September 2023 / Copyright© MYRIAMKPARIS .


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